Mental Health Matter- Let's Heal Up

    What is Mental Health? Is it having a good and intelligent brain? Or is it having good personal relationships to keep you happy? Or is it being fit and having a smooth and good lifestyle? Or is it having a job and being good at your workplace? Yes, these all come under good mental health. As a psychological definition mental health is basically physical, social, behavioral, spiritual, emotional well being and it comprises everything which makes one happy and filled with the desire to live on. As we live in the 21st century, so to be aware of our surroundings, on keep themselves updated with all the news and updates going on. Likely, everyone is about what is mental health and it matters in one’s life. But, the main thing which is still not clear and most people are not even aware of it is, how to identify that something is wrong with the person without stigmatizing them and how to express one’s feelings and problems in society without being ashamed and embarrassed about it. Have


Pseudobulbar Affect in MS: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Hey there,

Have you ever experienced that you want to cry or laugh but couldn’t at the moment? We all have experienced this at some point in our lives but ever think that some people experienced it every single day, minute or second.

So, Today I am going to talk about those people and about a disorder which can manipulate a person’s emotions and emotional expression. According to a new study, this disorder often goes misdiagnosed and untreated.

Most of you must have seen a movie “Joker” and you would know what I am talking about but do you ever think what is it? No? So, today let’s just find out and go deep in it.

No title | Unbelievable facts, Psycho facts, Intresting facts

INVOLUNTARY EMOTIONAL EXPRESSION DISORDER(IEED), in psychological definitions, it is a state wherein the person experiences uncontrollable episodes of emotional expression. But if we see in a real life, it basically refers to a condition wherein a particular individual cannot cry or laugh when they want to or express their emotions according to their situations. That is, they have episodes of crying, laughing, or anger that are not in line with their present moods.

So, let’s talk about its CAUSES, why and how it is caused?

Mostly, the reason of IEED tends to bend towards the genetic reasons, as it is also known as pseudo bulbar effect, which comes from a fact that there might be a tumor in the bulbar part of the brain which in turn causes this disorder. The other explanation for its cause has come up by evidence which point towards the working of neurotransmitter or hormones that are in brain and of which secretion in large amount can cause this disorder. There are lots more of causes for this disorder and most of them are connected to genetic reasons.

We all in the world today are living in fast paced lives so, how one can identify that a particular person is suffering from this disorder. According to psychologists, it is often remains undiagnosed and mistreated but yes, it have some symptoms. So, let’s take a glance on it.

This disorder sometimes self-diagnosed by a person himself who is suffering from the disorder. The crying or laughing or any other emotional expression can be started as a response to any particular situation but it can become intense and persists over a longer period of time. People can experience behavioral symptoms such as crying, inappropriate laughter, lack of restraint, or irritability. It even causes some physical problems such as lack of sleep, feeling awkward in social situations, loss of appetite and feeling low from inside.

All of this is most of times got undiagnosed or untreated but it is scary and it can harm the person for a longer period of time, so one should consult a therapist or a psychologist to get it treated if they are not able to have control on it by themselves.

For more information or any suggestion, one should consult their therapist or physician to get it treated.

So, that is all for today. Stay safe.




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