Mental Health Matter- Let's Heal Up

    What is Mental Health? Is it having a good and intelligent brain? Or is it having good personal relationships to keep you happy? Or is it being fit and having a smooth and good lifestyle? Or is it having a job and being good at your workplace? Yes, these all come under good mental health. As a psychological definition mental health is basically physical, social, behavioral, spiritual, emotional well being and it comprises everything which makes one happy and filled with the desire to live on. As we live in the 21st century, so to be aware of our surroundings, on keep themselves updated with all the news and updates going on. Likely, everyone is about what is mental health and it matters in one’s life. But, the main thing which is still not clear and most people are not even aware of it is, how to identify that something is wrong with the person without stigmatizing them and how to express one’s feelings and problems in society without being ashamed and embarrassed about it. Have


Hi everyone
Nowadays everyone is so busy in their own lives and they have forgotten about their own happiness and end up experiencing inappropriate thoughts and emotions and somehow get depressed and are unable to cope up with their lives and these all inappropriate emotions get repressed and work underground in one's unconscious mind and get converted into severe psychological disorders.
So before getting it treated, one should be aware of it and yes you have come at right place, so let's get started.
Disorders are basically disturbances in an individual's behavioral and psychological functioning that are not culturally accepted and that lead to psychologically functioning that are not culturally expected that lead to psychological distress, behavioral disability and impaired overall functioning.
Okay so in today days people are experiencing anxiety at an extreme level due to their tensions about work,health and household which in turn led to an exhausting disorder called OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE DISORDER.I will start with an example.Have you ever left home, gotten halfway down the street, and then returned to see if you really locked the door or turned off the stove? And have you ever worried about catching a disease by touching infected people or objects?
Most of us have had these experiences and they are completely normal, But the people who experience intense anxiety about such concerns. these individuals have disturbing thoughts or images that they cannot get out of their minds (obsession) unless they perform some action or rituals that somehow reassures them and helps to break the cycle (compulsions). persons who have such experiences may be experiencing Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, another important type of Anxiety Disorder. Obsession is a condition in which intruding thoughts about a place, person or objects occur again and again (such as fear that germs are on one's hands) and these thoughts are followed by some repetitive ritualistic behavior or mental acts termed as compulsions (such as repeated hand washing, counting, etc.) The compulsions are somehow meant to lower the anxiety caused by thoughts or obsession as one gets relief after doing the task related to the thoughts present.Obsessions and Compulsions tend to go together. In fact, compulsive actions may be directly related to obsessive thoughts.A person with the idea that he is dirty or guilty may wash his hands compulsively every few minutes or even take six or eight showers a day. Another person obsessed with anxiety-provoking thoughts may try to blog them out by concentrating on counting all her steps, Other people are compulsive in a more general way that they strive for orderliness in thought, dress and form.Indeed, any extreme emphasis on doing things in a particular way may be regarded as compulsive while not necessarily a sign of an obsessive-compulsive disorder. Obsessive-Compulsive people may be almost completely incapacitated by the rituals they have to perform. At the same time, they are likely to seem very inhibited and unemotional-cold and detached in their view of themselves and in their relations with others. They keep their lives under tight control. Now after we know about this disorder, so let's talk about its impacts on a person's daily life functioning.
* Some people may spend much of their day carrying out various compulsions and be unable to get out of the house or manage normal activities.
* The person with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is under an immense amount of pressure to complete their rituals. the time spent performing these compulsive behaviors is also exhausting. both the pressure and exhaustion make it difficult to interact with others in social situations. leading to isolation and loneliness. isolation worsens when the individual avoids leaving home because some public situations may trigger the need to do rituals.
*the longer a person suffers from this disorder, which leads to low self-esteem, powerless and out of control.
*people who suffer this disorder in the long term lead to anger which in turn affects his/her own mental peace and mental control.
Okay but this is not the whole thing, one can control it through different medications and therapies given by trained professionals and psychiatrists but one can also treat the disorder at an individual level. So let's discuss some pointers which can help the person to treat the disorder on an individual level.
*meditation and Yoga is one of the most important and effective technique to divert one's mind from the inappropriate thoughts.
*Biofeedback is a coming up technique which refers to a procedure to monitor and reduce the physiological aspect of anxiety from inappropriate thoughts by providing feedback about the current physiological activity and is often accompanied by relaxation training.
*Exercise can also provide an active outlet for the physiological arousal experienced in response to stress. Regular exercise improved the efficiency of the heart, enhances the function of the lungs, maintains good circulation, lowers blood pressure, reduces fat in the blood and improve body's immune system.
*One can divert one's mind from inappropriate thoughts by spending time with family and friends.
*And the last and most important way of relating oneself from the anxiety is to consult a counselor or a psychologist by breaking the societal stigma.
Thus, one can treat this disorder at an individual level and lessen its impacts on their daily life functioning.


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