Mental Health Matter- Let's Heal Up

    What is Mental Health? Is it having a good and intelligent brain? Or is it having good personal relationships to keep you happy? Or is it being fit and having a smooth and good lifestyle? Or is it having a job and being good at your workplace? Yes, these all come under good mental health. As a psychological definition mental health is basically physical, social, behavioral, spiritual, emotional well being and it comprises everything which makes one happy and filled with the desire to live on. As we live in the 21st century, so to be aware of our surroundings, on keep themselves updated with all the news and updates going on. Likely, everyone is about what is mental health and it matters in one’s life. But, the main thing which is still not clear and most people are not even aware of it is, how to identify that something is wrong with the person without stigmatizing them and how to express one’s feelings and problems in society without being ashamed and embarrassed about it. Have

Mental Health In Current Scenario

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Hi Everyone                                                                                                                                     i hope everyone is safe and are at their today in this blog i will talk about an individual's mental in current scenario where Corona virus has become a pandemic. so initially ,let's start by knowing about some facts and knowledge about Corona virus.

Corona virus is basically a virus which cause an infectious disease termed as COVID-19.It was basically a man-made virus that came from Wuhan,china, but it did not remain confined in china only instead it spread all over the world affecting mainly 549,382 people and causing 25,278 deaths globally. It has been spread in more than 199 countries till now and it is not coming to end right now as no vaccines and medications are discovered till now which can help to end this virus.
most affected country by corona virus is china but now china has recovered 80% from it and now china has been replaced by Italy in being most affected country globally having 80,589 cases and 8,215 deaths till now. After seeing its heinous effects, all countries including USA are very scared of this virus and are fighting against this virus by locking down the countries and people in their houses.

Lock-down is somehow helping to fight people against virus as this virus spread through human interaction or touching and in lock-down, people do not go outside and interact with others as one person can spread this virus to more than 100 people as the one who is suffering from this disorder get to know about this virus in their's body mainly after 6-7 days which is a very long time and this can spread to more than 100 and even up to 1000 individuals. but this way of dealing with corona virus helps us to break the chain but its effects are very slow which leads to lock-down of the country for more than 3-4 months which can affect the country's economy as well as its individuals.

This lock-down is somehow affecting an individual's mental state as a person in this situation is not able to go out of their homes and are stuck inside the house which is sometimes frustrating especially for people who are working or stay out of homes especially. It is more devastating for the ones who are living away from their own family in any other state and there are some places which are hot-spots and government has closed them fully which didn't allow people to even come out of their houses in their complexes. 

This pandemic is clearly have major social and psychological on the whole population which is increasing unemployment, separating families, and various other changes in the way that we live that we know are generally major psychological risk factors for anxiety, depression and self-harm. It is restricting people to live a normal life as they were living earlier which in turn affects an individual's mental and psychological state and most of times people experience anxiety and panic attacks.

COVID-19 Lockdown Guide: How to Manage Anxiety and Isolation ...
below, there are some pointers which will help and individual to maintain their peace of mind and be calm.

This pandemic is obviously affecting our lifestyle but we can fight through it by focusing on some positive impacts of this lock-down. so, let's look down at that:-
* Before the lock-down, people were so busy in their lives but now they have nothing to do so they have a lot of time to spend with their families.
* This helps especially adults and youngsters to introspect about their lives and their future career.
* this lock-down is allowing every individual to do their hobbies which they want to do earlier in life but cannot do due to their work and jobs.
* if one want to fight against it, so one should focus on more positive news than grasping negative news daily and haunting oneself.
*one should listen to more inspirational talks and read more positive books before going to sleep which will relax their minds and help to get a good sleep.
* most of people in country are sad because they are not getting junk food, but this will somehow break the habit of people to consume junk.
* one should do workout daily including yoga which will help them to relax their minds as well their body and maintaining their immunity system which is the need of the hour.

Thus, pandemic has stopped our lives but somehow it also gave us a chance to think and start from a new level after this get over. 

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